Join us.

We want to promote the keeping of wild strains of Xiphophorus (platies and swordtails) and build a network of breeders to support the conservation of these amazing fish.

Meeting in 2024

The next joint meeting of Xiphophorus Working Group and Goodeid Working Group will take place in Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary on 11.10.-13.10.2024.

If you want to make sure you will not miss any important info, subscribe to our mailing list.


This is not just for Xipho breeders, but for friends of all Poeciliids: We know far from everything about sperm storage in viviparous fish. And we all can help the research quite easily! See this article for details.

What’s new?

New important information on our website: all about the WORKING GROUP!

This is absolutely basic information about who we are, why we are, how you can participate. The page will be continuously updated.

Another two articles were published: one about the collaborative project with UANL (university of Monterrey) focused on field and laboratory work with Xiphophorus; the other one brings long awaited detailed results of the European Xiphophorus census in 2021/2022. Better late than never!

You can find the report from the Leipzig meeting of XWG + GWG + VDA-AKLAF in autumn 2023 here.

We have published an interview with Erwin Radax and a new article by Andreas Tveteraas about the lost populations and biotopes of the northern platyfish. New species profiles were added: Xiphophorus evelynae and Xiphophorus milleri.

10th European Convention of the Goodeid Working Group was held on 2.-3.6.2023 in Slovenia together with the Xiphophorus Working Group.

Report from this meeting written by Dávid Urbányi can be found here.

Another new section of our website: ARTICLES in the top menu!

And our first interview with Xiphophorus breeder: Dávid Urbányi. Enjoy photos from his aquariums and Mexican biotopes!

New sections of our website: SPECIES and BIOTOPES – see the top menu!

There is only one species profile and one biotope report so far. Join our working group and help us collect information and photos. Thank you!

Important article about the 1st European Xipho census written by Kees de Jong – read it here!

The joint meeting of Goodeid Working Group and Xiphophorus Working Group took place in Vienna on 27.-29.5.2022. Information about progress we’ve made and upcoming activities has been sent to all who subscribed to our mailing list.

Work with us

Everything about xiphos

You can contribute to our shared information library and exchange experiences, husbandry tips, photos, reports from collection trips etc.

Contact us if you are willing to help us!

Under construction

We are working on the content of this website.

If you want to be informed about the progress and plans of the Xiphophorus working group, subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on Facebook: